„Look, Mama, it’s snowed there.“ Wintertime in the middle of the summer. At the irritate modern art gallery in Frankfurt/Main. What you see: A winter wonderland. What you experience: A Wounderland.
Winter comes because somebody wants it. Wounderland© is an art project about the clash of cataclysmic personal forces. How does it feel when interpersonal terror explodes, straining and splattering your life? Wounderland© lets you experience how a trial at the Family Court seeps into every crevice of your life.
All the paperwork produced until the date of the exhibition opening was collected: the pleadings, expert opinions, protocols, postponements, invoices, interim decisions, requests, youth welfare service reports, hate mail and mediation attempts. Then you soak it all in water, mix it up into a pulp and use a centrifuge to spread the dirt in public once a week.
The wonderful and wounderful foul gruel was splattered like snow on a forest scene with trees, leaves, moss, a family table with four chairs and visitors. The first splattering contained 1512 pages. The on-going litigation process produced more and more pages, so at the last splattering the pulp of 1608 pages was used. The snow grew from week to week. By the end of the exhibition the fallout from the trial had been spread around the installation in twelve servings. Protective overalls and goggles were worn at the splatterings.
The centrifuge recreates the situation in which all the parties suddenly find themselves. You are knocked off your path, put through the wringer and pushed up against the wall, over and over again. The pulpy mass determines every move, sticks to everything, and is hurled into every crevice of your life. The traces can be found everywhere – even after many years. The mess will not be cleaned up by those who made it.
“You have turned something ugly into something beautiful.”
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The pulp of twelve servings of litigation was splattered during the Wounderland© exhibition period. The gallery window and the exhibition text were covered in deepening layers of “snow”. The same feeling sets in when you get into the centrifuge of interpersonal terror. Everything changes beyond recognition.
Schaufenstertext: WOUNDERLAND Herzlich willkommen im Wounderland. Treten Sie ein und genießen Sie den Winteranfang. Einfach wundervoll. Winteranfang ist dann, wenn jemand anderes es so will. Plötzlicher Niederschlag. Einfach wundenvoll.
Installation: 1512 Seiten (Protokolle, Schriftsätze, Gutachten, Beschlüsse, Emails, Terminverschiebungen, Rechnungen) aus einem Verfahren beim Familiengericht, mehrmals zu einer klebrigen Masse verarbeitet und mittels einer Zentrifuge unkontrolliert um sie herum geschleudert. Ein zäher Brei, der in jeder Ritze des Lebens kleben bleibt. Sie können am nächsten Niederschlag teilnehmen. Anmeldungen unter www.irritate-modern.com
WOUNDERLAND objects for sale – please click here